Perthes Heroes: Earl Cole

Perthes Heroes: Earl Cole

At what age were you diagnosed with Perthes?

Age 7

What was your treatment plan?

Non-weight bearing (no surgery), leg brace, leg casts, wheelchair, crutches, etc.

How long were you inactive?

Until the age of 13, so around 6 years of being inactive.

Once you were healed, what was it like getting back into activities?

Perthes doesn’t work like that. I was never healed, but my body did get stronger as I grew older. I was eventually cleared for normal physical activities (run, jump, play), even high school sports (at age 17). However, there would be some pain afterwards with strenuous activity. I was able to have a very fun, athletic and active life as a young adult.

You won Survivor:Figi, what was it like accomplishing something like that after overcoming Perthes?

It was great to win Survivor Fiji. I was glad to make my family proud. I was also happy to have an international platform to use in order to help raise awareness about Perthes disease. Being a role model for kids and families dealing with Perthes, is something that I will always cherish. I was also able to establish the Perthes Kids Foundation with my prize money.

What is your advice to kids diagnosed with Perthes?

My advice is to always be you, no matter what. It’s OK to be considered different or not like every other kid. That is what makes a Perthes kid special. Embrace it. Be different. Be unique. Just be you, no matter what that looks like to everybody else. The experience that you learn from dealing with Perthes will help build the strength, patience, character and empathy you will need to be an extraordinary adult.

What was more difficult: healing from Perthes or winning Survivor?

Healing from Perthes has been much more difficult than winning Survivor. Survivor only lasted 39 days, Perthes has been pretty much my whole life. Once the opportunity came for me to be on Survivor… my previous Perthes experience made being a Survivor, seem easy! At this point in my life (my 40’s), the toll of sports and Perthes had finally caught up with me in the form of arthritis of the hip, causing chronic pain. I had a full hip replacement this year, where I am officially Perthes pain-free! Best decision I ever made. I continue to be a Survivor of Perthes and on TV!