Gabby's Story

Gabby's Story

We are inspired by our patient family’s story and how in the midst of the adversity of dealing with Perthes, this family has been able not only to raise local awareness on Perthes, but also to raise funds for the study of Perthes!

Gabby was diagnosed with Perthes at age 7; as she and her family tried to decide what the best care for Gabby might be, they sought the opinion of  three different physicians at three different institutions, Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, Mayo Clinic, and Boston Children’s Hospital. The physicians with whom Gabby’s family discussed the treatments options are all members of the International Perthes Study Group .

In an attempt to raise Perthes awareness, a fundraiser was held for Gabby, with the New Richmond varsity girls basketball team hosting the event. Through Perthes Awareness T-shirt sales, the efforts that night raised funds for International Perthes Study Group research.

We are proud of the team of IPSG physicians and families working with us, to determine the best care possible for our Perthes Patients.