
News and Updates

Ask a Surgeon (In Spanish)

Recently, hosted Dr. Leah Cobb on a Q&A session in Spanish.  For Spanish speaking patients and families, check out the recording here  

Celebrating 2018

Wishing everyone a happy holidays from the IPSG team.  2018 was a great year for IPSG.  Some of the highlighted accomplishments are as follows: IPSG 2018 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Over 300 patients enrolled in multicenter study • 2018-2020 POSNA registry grant (50k per year x 3 years) awarded • Three POSNA abstract submissions and one EPOS submission • Completion of X-Ray Validation Study analysis • Hosted the 2nd Annual Perthes Parents Conference at TSRH • Completed first HIPVASC training and reliability study We look forward to 2019!

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