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Perfusion MRIs: Recent research showing the purpose with Perthes Disease

A recent study conducted by Dr. Harry Kim, Chairman of IPSG and staff doctors and researchersat Texas Scottish Rite Hospital, looked at the use of an advancedMRI called perfusion MRI, a new diagnostic imaging testtodetermine revascularization of femoral heads of patients with Perthes disease. Revascularization is the return of blood flow to the femoral head (the ballof the hipjoint) that has suffered from stoppage of blood supply. One of the most important components in the healing of Perthes is the return of blood flow to necrotic bone. Since this is such an essential part of healing, researchers wanted to better understand the things that affect the rate and quality of revascularization. The study included29 patients with an average age of 8 years who were in the first two stages of Perthes, so called Walsenstrom stage 1 or 2. The 29 patients included in this study had two or more perfusion

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