News Archives


Perfusion MRI vs. Contrast MRI

What is the difference between Perfusion MRI and Contrast MRI? Perfusion MRI is a type of contrast MRI but it is more sensitive for detecting blood flow. For both MRIs, a dye is injected into blood circulation before taking the MRI pictures. With the perfusion MRI, the MRI images are processed by computer to highlight
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Safe Imaging Technique

Perfusion MRI is a safe and feasible imaging technique for perthes disease. Five IPSG members recently reviewed the safety and feasibility of getting advanced MRI called perfusion MRI for Perthes disease in their respective hospitals. The results are published online in the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. The doctors found that perfusion MRI is a safe
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IPSG Annual Meeting

The International Perthes Study Group reviewed current progress and looked toward the future at their second annual meeting. This was a big week for the Perthes Study Group (IPSG). October 3rd, 4th and 5th marked the 2nd annual meeting. In attendance was a select but diverse group of 31 physicians from four continents and eight
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Is there an association between Perthes disease and female gymnasts over age 10?

Latest study on Perthes disease by IPSG members from Mayo Clinic and Texas Scottish Rite Hospital found 7 of 9 female patients (78%) aged 10 years and older were involved in high-level competitive gymnastics when they presented with Perthes disease. The investigators suggest that further studies are needed to explore the association between the physical
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