American Sounders Soccer 2011
I think someone pushed me during the soccer practice. When I got up, my leg was hurting. I started limping that night and for the soccer game the next day. This is not fun when you are an active 7 year old girl. Teachers and my school friends asked me, “Dabne, why are you limping?”Mom thought that I better go to the doctor. The doctor took an x-ray of my ankle—it was the wrong place! I continued to limp and my hip began to “pop”.
Back to the doctors. This time he x-rayed my hip. He looked at the x-ray and told me that I had “avascular necrosis” which is dying of the hip bone. Mom did some research on the internet and thought I had something called Leggs Calves Perthes Disease.
They scheduled an MRI to make sure that is what I had. I freaked out, and cried on the inside. I would have to use crutches. When Mom got back from the doctors, after hearing the MRI results which confirmed Perthes, she cried.

Night before Surgery checking out the Christmas Lights at Bell Square
Not too many children get Perthes disease, it’s pretty rare. So off Mom, Dad, and I went to Seattle to see the Doctor (he knew about the disease, guess you could call him an expert).
The Doctor checked me out and said that I would probably need surgery. Dad just sat there and stared out the window, I kept hitting the back of my chair. I was so scared. Our car ride was pretty quiet and we stopped to eat at

Red Robin by the mall. Mom and Dad talked about getting another opinion. So Dad and I got to take another trip to see a doctor, but this time it was Portland. We stayed at the fanciest hotel and I liked this Doctor, he wanted us to wait and see after a few months.
Dad decided to ask doctors all over the country if I needed surgery. They said, “Yes.”
Within two weeks Dad, Mom and I were off to Children’s Hospital in Seattle.
At the Space Needle the day before surgery
We stayed in a nice hotel for 2 days. I just wanted a little fun before going to the hospital. We did have lots of fun. We went to the top of the Space Needle and ate lunch at the revolving restaurant, shopped at Bellevue Square and watched the Holiday show two nights in a row.
The day of my surgery came. At the hospital they took me into a room and had me change into a gown (you know, the ones that are open in the back!)
While we were waiting on the anesthesiologists, Dad made me laugh. He had a hole in his pants. My mom on the other hand, was a puddle of tears.
Dad held my hand while the doctor put a little gas mask on my face. It smelled like bubblegum.
My cousins came to visit me when I woke up from surgery
When I woke up, it seemed as if I had just gone to sleep. It was actually hours. All around me I heard kids moaning and crying. It scared me so much. I kept saying to myself, “Please get me out of here, please get me out of here!”
Before long, the nurses rolled me (still in my bed) into an elevator, then to my room. My dad, mom, grandma and Aunt and cousins were in the room waiting for me.
I had all kinds of things hooked up to my body, on my neck, chest, back, feet, arm, and other places I will not mention.
People came in and out, in an out all the time. There were doctors checking me, nurses giving me medicine, someone asking what I wanted to eat, and even some nice people brought presents.
Looking better and the day before we got to go back home
On my second day at the hospital Mom took me to a special playroom. We played cards and other stuff. When we got back to my room, I saw my take-home wheelchair.
Family surprised me and decorated my room at home!
When the doctor said I could go home, I was really ready. It was so nice to be in our own car and heading back to my own house. I must have slept because we were home in no time at all. We were greeted by welcome home signs, balloons, and lots of people. My brother and sister made special flowers and snowflakes and decorated my room.

I felt very special, and so glad to be home.
Getting our Christmas Tree! 
Since my return home, I have had some good days, and some bad days. It’s not fun having to stay in a wheelchair. In a few months I’ll be able to switch over to crutches. Then finally, I’ll be able to walk on my own again without any pain.
I lead the Chinese New Year parade!
I know I’ll never forget this year, but I know that because of the surgery, I will be able to have a better life.
Dabne McGuire Age 7, November and December 2011 |